Referral Line: (844) 590-9763

We Honor Veterans

We understand that Veterans may have unique needs at the end of life. With that in mind, we provide specialized services for our Veteran patients that include:

  • A Veteran-to-Veteran Volunteer Program
  • Transitioning Veterans across venues of care, including VA medical centers
  • Assistance for Veterans and families to access benefits

In partnership with We Honor Veterans, a program of the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization and the Department of Veterans Affairs, Heart of Texas Hospice has achieved a level three achievement. Through this partnership, we have taken a number of actions, including:

  • Conducting Veteran-specific outreach presentations
  • Maintaining a relationship with a designated VA contact at the nearest VA medical or community clinic
  • Integrating the Military History Checklist into our admission procedures
  • Maintaining policies and procedures reflecting commitment and service to veterans

To learn more about We Honor Veterans, visit